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Thursday 10 February 2011

3 days down, 2 to go...

So, I've discovered I really don't like porridge.

However, it is filling and it is warm which is a godsend when your surviving on £1/day.

Today was challenging though - I had meetings scheduled from 11-1 and then 1.20-3 (both external).  My usual response would be to duck into a coffee shop or similar and pick up something to eat on the go, but obviously that wasn't an option today! So getting back to the office at quarter past three I could finally have my lunch (chicken soup) and relieve the hunger pangs.  It did, however, provide fuel for some interesting discussions during the meetings, whilst I watched them sip an array of coffees and teas.

Dinner was chicken, rice and veg again (it's getting so boring now!), but on the plus side, I prepared my soup for tomorrow (pumpkin) and was done with everything by 10.30!

A major side effect of the challenge I'm noticing is how much of a struggle it is to keep my energy levels up during the day.  It's simply because you can't get enough food to properly keep you sustained throughout the day on just £1.  I am just so thankful that I can get as much as I do because we don't have to stretch out our budget to include all other bills or any other family members.

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